Smart Home is an IoT application that enables its users to control various home appliances. Smart Home combines technology and services to facilitate your better living quality, enhanced security and energy efficiency through IoT experience. Elements of a Smart Home Automation system includes networking of home appliances and a Smartphone app. Home appliances networking is done by using BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy). Smart Gateway works as the local broker and communicates with the app through MQTT protocol. BLE enabled home appliances(Smart Switch, Smart RGB, Smart Curtain etc) can be controlled or pre-programmed through BLE supported mobile.
1. Home and Room management
2. Smart Switch Control
a. Assigning loads to Smart Switch (Load types: Non dimmable Light, Dimmable Light, Fan )
b. Load Control using app: On/Off, Dimming
c. Manual dimming from hardware
3. RGB Light Control
a. On/Off
b. Color and brightness changing
c. Party mode
d. Saving favorite colors
4. Integration with smart gateway and controlling devices through internet
5. Server integration
6. Multiple user control
7. Camera live stream (Supported DVR: Hikvision)
8. RGB firmware reset
1. Backup restore in BLE mode has issues
2. Multiple user support is not fully stable yet
3. Switch version 00 is not compatible in IoT mode
4. Connection icon doesn’t spin while connecting in IoT mode
5. Server auto syncing not implemented yet
6. Random crash issue
7. Channel configuration from dashboard has an issue (Rare case)
8. Not requesting load status after bridge re connection, user needs to pull down
9. Shows mqtt 3G connected even though gateway configuration was not successful
10. RGB firmware update doesn’t work in some android phones. Best works on Nexus 5
Smart Home adalah sebuah aplikasi IOT yang memungkinkan penggunanya untuk mengendalikan berbagai peralatan rumah. Smart Home menggabungkan teknologi dan layanan untuk memfasilitasi efisiensi kualitas hidup, meningkatkan keamanan dan energi yang lebih baik melalui pengalaman IOT. Unsur-unsur dari sistem Smart Home Automation termasuk jaringan dari peralatan rumah tangga dan aplikasi Smartphone. Home appliances jaringan dilakukan dengan menggunakan BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy). Pintar Gateway bekerja sebagai broker lokal dan berkomunikasi dengan aplikasi melalui protokol MQTT. peralatan diaktifkan rumah BLE (Smart Switch, Smart RGB, Smart Curtain dll) dapat dikontrol atau pra-diprogram melalui BLE didukung mobile.
1. Rumah dan manajemen Room
2. Cerdas Beralih Kontrol
Sebuah. Menetapkan beban untuk Smart Switch (jenis beban: Non Cahaya dimmable, dimmable Cahaya, Fan)
b. Beban Control dengan menggunakan aplikasi: On / Off, Peredupan
c. Pengguna peredupan dari hardware
3. RGB Kontrol Ringan
Sebuah. On / Off
b. Warna dan kecerahan berubah
c. modus Partai
d. Menyimpan warna favorit
4. Integrasi dengan gerbang pintar dan perangkat pengendalian melalui internet
integrasi 5. Server
6. kontrol pengguna Beberapa
7. Kamera hidup streaming (Didukung DVR: Hikvision)
8. RGB firmware ulang
1. Backup mengembalikan dalam modus BLE menyebabkan masalah
2. dukungan pengguna Beberapa tidak sepenuhnya stabil belum
3. Beralih versi 00 tidak kompatibel dalam mode IOT
ikon 4. Connection tidak berputar saat menyambung dalam mode IOT
5. Server auto sinkronisasi belum diimplementasikan
6. Masalah kecelakaan Acak
7. Saluran konfigurasi dari dashboard memiliki masalah (Langka kasus)
8. Tidak meminta status beban setelah jembatan ulang koneksi, pengguna perlu pull down
9. Acara mqtt 3G terhubung meskipun konfigurasi gerbang tidak berhasil
10. RGB update firmware tidak bekerja di beberapa ponsel android. karya terbaik pada Nexus 5